30 April, 2015

Back to blogging

Hello everyone!
I haven't been on this blog in over a year... Crazy to think of how much has happened since I stopped blogging. 

A very quick update is that I moved to Perth, Australia in the beginning of 2014. I went on a ten month exchange and lived with a host family on the Western side of the amazingly beautiful country. 

In December I moved back home to the Netherlands (with WAY better English and lots more knowledge and skills). 

Now, my year wasn't easy but I learned a lot about myself, about people in general and about what I want with my life and career. 

I want to help people. Simply said. I want to help those in need, those who feel like life is too rough to handle on an emotional, physical or financial level. I have enrolled to study Applied Psychology and am waiting for my test results to let me know if I get accepted. 

But all big dreams have to start somewhere, and I want to start with you. 
Starting from today, I am back to blogging and making what you want to see. I won't delete any of the posts I have on here already, but I want to give you more input on what I am writing about. 

I will still do fashion, but also want to combine it with health and share my experiences from being an exchange student. I just want to make my little piece of the internet a place where you can be happy, have fun and feel connected. I'll also try to be a bit shorter in writing...... 

What's next?
Be on the lookout for some outfits, an updated room tour and something about choices ;) 

It feels good to be back and I'm ready to dive back in! 

See you soon,
Love - Danielle