24 May, 2013

A New Job! Primark Haul

In April this year, some bad things happened at my previous job (mentioned in my last blog post)  and this was the final thing to quit my job.

BUT: since I cannot sit still, I started looking for a new one (after ofcourse, a few weeks of rest and processing what had happened). I applied for a job at the clothing store my granddad used to work, had my job interview and got hired!
I was able to start the week after, and had to wear all black clothes, with a serious look. The only thing that suited that in my wardrobe, a blazer I purchased recently. This only meant one thing: SHOPPING!!!
So I called one of my friends, we took the train and went all out in Primark.
Below some pictures of some tops I bought (includes the prices)
€ 9,-
€ 9,-
the zipper on the back of the shirt.

The last two shirt were not available in my size, but a normal price for a shirt would be around €15,- or higher. So I bought them anyways, and thankfully my mom knows how to tailor them! 

Hope you liked my little 'sneak peak' of my work-wardrobe! Let me know if you want more Haul posts.
Love, Daniëlle

Link to my previous post: http://brightlightsinlife.blogspot.nl/2013/05/my-senior-year.html

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