25 October, 2013

Winter essentials

The dark days have started, and the need to feel comfortable in your room (or house) is getting stronger. I've put together a small list of things that I do every year to make my bedroom more 'winter appropriate'.

Lights. Last year, I bought Christmas lights and hung them on my wall. They go all the way across the top of my wall. I love how the lights are not very bright, so it creates a nice atmosphere.

Blankets. The darker months are also the colder ones (duh!). I get cold very easily, so as soon as it's getting dark outside, I am on the couch with a blanket. A definite must for winter! I have to blankets, matching the cushions.

Fuzzy socks. Another must if you are cold very easily or if your blood circulation is slower! Feet lose most of your body's warmth, which means that cold feet ends up with being cold... Nobody wants to be cold, so keep your feet warm and cozy :)

Hand cream. My hands need a bit of extra care throughout the year, but during winter they need a lot. I have dry hands (stay hydrated everyone!) and use cream on a daily basis. I normally use Dove essential nourishment, but during winter seasons I use Neutrogena. Neurtrogena is a more intense hydrating cream, and perfect for winter!

What are your winter essentials??

Love, Danielle


  1. I'm currently wrapped up in three blankets, wearing a thick pair of socks and drinking tea. those are my winter essentials!
    Great blog!

    1. Those are the best days :) Thank you for responding and checking out my blog <3
