22 November, 2013

A Gap Year | The Waiting Game

It's been a while since I updated you about my gap year... The reason is simple: not much has happened. 

I have been learning. To be patient, the differences between what my life could have been and what it is now. Lastly, I have been helping out people from time to time.

There was a period back in September, when I didn't feel like doing anything. Why should I? I had three months to do whatever I wanted, so why rush? It got to the point where I didn't leave my bed until 4 in the afternoon... Thankfully, this only lasted for a short period of time!! 

I started doing things I liked doing, was listening to music all day long, baking all sorts of delicious foods and took it upon myself to cook dinner a few nights a week. I started on my packing list, which took me a bit longer than I figured it would :)

I started to feel better, was more relaxed and felt good about what I was doing. Doing things I liked also kept my mind off of waiting for news about my departure. Which is killing, by the way! I have only been waiting for a couple of months, and really can not imagine what the waiting must feel like when you know you're leaving a year (sometimes two) before!!

The waiting game might be a bit more difficult because I am not going to school, and spent most of my time at home. I think that if I would be doing something that takes up a lot of my time, I wouldn't be thinking about it so much. Less time thinking about when I will be leaving, if I will find a host family before I get on the plane, etc.

Between my last update and now, I have been spending time behind the computer, looking up blog posts and websites about travelling. There are a lot of sites out there that will explain all the fears and questions that come with it. The waiting, what to expect, what to pack, tips and tricks about long flights. The list goes on! One tip was to pack your suitcase a few times before actually leaving. I didn't really see the point at first, but last Tuesday I packed for the first time, but it was an eye-opening experience! I didn't expect that my suitcase would already be filled for 80%!!! The whole point of doing this, is to only bring the necessary things. 

Another thing I learned, and still learning, is the difference between my life and my friends' life. My friends have started their education in September, all going their own way and studying what they like. They are making new friends, are busy doing homework, studying for tests. And if time allows it, they have hobbies!
It gets hard on me sometimes that I don't have all of this (besides the hobbies!) exciting stuff going on... It's hard to not be able to see my friends whenever we feel like it. It gets difficult to try and plan a meet up, because everyone always seems to be busy.
And the hardest part is feeling left out. I am alone most of the time: besides working 6 or 7 hours a week, I have no social contact with people my age. Yes, I talk to them on Facebook, but it's not the same. So meeting up with my friends and seeing them face to face has become very important to me. I get frustrated from time to time when it feel like it has to come from me (Again, I have all day to think about feeling this way, so I can feel worse faster).

At those times, I do remember that I am going to do something amazing! It's something that not everybody is able to do, or can do because of other reasons.
I am going to spent a year of my life in a different country, somewhere I have never been. Who crazy is that?! I am going to grow so much, meet a lot of new people and experience things I never would be experiencing if I got accepted (yes, a thank you for not accepting me!!)

I am currently reading a book 'The Exchange Student Survival Kit' by Bettina Hansel. The books is about the whole year: preparation, culture differences, settling down, maintaining a relationship with home and dealing with homesickness.
I get so excited reading it, which only makes me more happy that my departure is coming closer.
BUT, the good thing about this book is that it keeps you normal. Yes, they are excited like you, but they also inform you about the downsides. They create a very realistic and complete picture.

I have a meeting next Saturday, along with other teens that are leaving for a year (or semester) abroad! After that day, I will be writing my first blog on my travel weblog :)

Do you know anyone that is going or has gone abroad? Let me know!
Love, Danielle

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