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Respect is the most important thing
Loving yourself is a process. It takes time.
If you want something to happen, make it.
Share your thoughts, concerns, feelings. People cannot read your mind
My mom is the best person to seek advise from.
Give yourself time to be sad.
Talk to your friends as much as possible
I am very emotional when I have not eaten or slept enough
I can do more than I think I can
I love being busy and having a day filled with appointments
I enjoy writing more than ever
Reading calms me down and makes me think about everything at the same time
Apple computers are easier to work with than Windows. (I own a Windows, but plan on buying an Apple in the future)

School project.
With this project the only rule I had, was to create a self-portrait using shoes. I used both shoes because I wanted to express both my good side, and my bad. I painted one shoe white, for bright days and feeling happy. I also used bright colours on the flower. The other shoe was painted grey with a black and white flower to show the sad, darker days.
After they got scored, I took them home and my parents wanted me to put them in the living room. They have not moved ever since, and it's crazy how much these shoes have helped me back up when I wasn't feeling my best.
A lot of people do not consider getting braces as a good thing. Let alone put it in their top 13! I am going there because I have been wanting them for a few years before actually getting them. When I was younger, I wanted them because everybody that was older seemed to have them. But when I started caring about my appearance, I started to feel insecure about my bottom teeth. I eventually got braces, and it has already made me feel so much better about my teeth! I got them in February, and they are leaving my mouth forever in January.
Gallery opening with school
On the 25th of April, I had three things to do (hence the three outfits). In the morning, I had to go to school. Nothing unusual. After school, I had to hurry home, change clothes (that were laid out perfectly) and go to the art gallery where two classes from school, including mine, would be presenting their final works. We had been working on the final project for months! It was a great way to end my art class and to be able to present it in a REAL art gallery.
When the speeches were done and everyone got to explain their work, I drove back home with my mom for a quick dinner and another change of clothes. Third thing: A concert with my mom and a few neighbours! I had a great time, and it was the perfect way to end a fun but stressful day. I had so much fun all day, and I loved being able to show my work to everyone that was interested. (The presented work sadly isn't the best thing I ever made...)
One Direction
I don't think it would be fair to talk about this a lot, seeing as my first post on Bright Lights was about this show. It was a huge deal for me to go alone, but I ended up having a great time and not caring what everyone was thinking. Definitely a show I will remember for a very long time! If you would like to read the full post and see some of the pictures I took, you can click here.
Bright Lights in Life
I had been thinking about creating a blog for a few months before I actually did it. I wasn't really sure if people would want to read about my life! After all, there already were enough blogs to read, and I was just another girl...
When I was studying for my finals, I decided I was just going to sign up. I could always take it down if I didn't like it, right?!
I signed up and wrote my first ever blogpost! It was horrible. A lot of hours were put into it, and I ended up never posting it (not planning on it either). I had in mind that I was going to be blogging everyday, so I wrote about what I did that day and why I signed up. Two days later I found that blogging could be a full-time job, and I had to focus on school!!
Since then, I write about what I like. I try to put as much beauty and fashion related things on here, because I enjoy it. To me, this blog is my space where I can share the things in life that are bright. 2013 has turned out a little bit (cough!!) different than I had planned, so my ideas for this blog changed with it!
I can get really excited about writing for Bright Lights, and think about new post almost all day.
After my finals were done, I took a family trip to London. I had been there once before, with school, and I had fallen in love. It was a great week spent with my parents and brother, and saw all the touristy things they had! I even went to Madame Tussauds and got a picture with ONE DIRECTION ;) I already made a post about my trip, you can check it out here.
Passed my level exams
I passed my level exams!!! I didn't really need to worry about passing, because my grades were good and I had a good feeling about my tests. Still, when it came close to 2 o'clock, I got scared. My name was the first one on the list. My mentor told us that the people that didn't pass would be called first, so when the phone rang at 2, I was scared. I had been waiting for an hour, shaky and sweaty hands.
When we got our diplomas at school, it was a long night (every class had 30 students, and every mentor gave a speech) but it was nice to know I was done. I loved being in school, but it was great knowing I could relax (from June up to my departure, that is).
I turned 17 this year!!!! YEAAH. That does not mean anything... It was a beautiful day, family was there, cake and music. It was great to catch up with everyone since I don't get to see my family as much. They live an hour away, and everyone has a busy life (including myself).
Summer holiday
I spent my first week in France with my best friend Louise and her parents. It was relaxed and we went sight seeing every day :) The second week Louise and I took the train from France to Italy, Pisa to be exact. We then spent the week on a huge camping with my parents, visiting Pisa, Luna and local markets closer to the camping. I had a lot of fun with Louise, it being my first time going on a holiday without my parents(for the first week). Lots of fun things happened, and it was great to spent two weeks with Louise!
Gap Year: Australia maybe?
In June, my parents and I decided that it would be best for me to take a year off school. I did not get accepted at the school I had hoped, and was feeling extremely down at the time. I wasn't sure if taking a year off would help me... I wasn't even sure want I wanted to do and what I enjoyed doing! When I had gotten used to the idea, I started looking for things I might like to do in my year. I have always wanted to travel the world, so I started looking in to it. I found an organisation that provided a High School year abroad. I applied, request got denied because they were full. Applied at a different organisation, got stood up. Then came AFS. Active all around the world, and one spot left for me to leave!!
A very big twist to what I thought was going to be a year of full-time jobs and interning: I got accepted to go to Australia and follow a High School program!
Don't miss anything about my gap year by clicking this link.
My first video shoot
Helping my cousin shoot a music video was something I had never done. I had only been on one set in my life, and I had been in it, so I did not get to see all the preparations and setting up!
I was responsible for the actors and the crew. It was a hectic three days, minus the preparation part, but it was absolutely amazing! I have learned so much and the crew was the best. Besides the short amount of time, there was a good vibe at both of the recording days, and nice people to work with. I have yet to see the result, but click this for behind the scenes pictures.
I got the biggest surprise when we were celebrating Sinkerklaas on the 5th of December. My mom was taking me to London!! (again, I know. You can never go there too many times) We spent a total of four days relaxing, Christmas shopping and enjoying the beauty that London holds.
It was nice to have a few days alone with my mom, as I will not be able to this year. I had a lot of fun and it was great to just relax, not having to rush around London to see the sights. We did take a hop on-hop off bus though... We are tourists after all! Pictures? enjoy!
Hope 2013 has been good to you all and that 2014 may be even better!!
What is your highlight of 2013? Let me know in the comments :)
Love, Danielle
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